Abducktion: A Weirdly Strategic Duck Kidnapping Game by Evan Katz and Josh Roberts with illustrations by Alina Lytvynova and published by Evan & Josh's Very Special Games Company is a competitive game recommended for 1 to 4 players ages 12+ and plays in about 15-20 minutes with the base game or 1-6 players with the included the IntergalacDuck Research Expansion which adds about 10 minutes to the game!
This is a light strategy game for adults of duck matching, a UFO, and logic! Players are all interns on an alien UFO, working for an intergalactic corporation that has one main function: abducting ducks. (For research purposes, duh). But, ducks need to be collected in specific formations, and you'll have to use spatial logic and cunning to rearrange your ducks before your opponents to win!
Abduct (collect) ducks in specific formations by using action cards to move your (or your opponent's) ducks around. Each player gets an individual stream board that can hold 10 ducks. Grab adorable miniature ducks from the 3D UFO and put the ducks into patterns by moving them around with action cards. When your ducks in a single color match a pattern on one of the shared formation cards, you earn the card and abduct the ducks into the UFO. Grab more ducks out of the UFO and try to make another pattern before the cards run out.
The base game includes: 3D flexible UFO to hold your ducks, 80 plastic ducks, 60 action cards, 24 formation cards, 4 player boards, and instructions.
The included IntergalacDuck Research Expansion introduces the Research Pod, an adorable mini spaceship that holds two ducks. Flip it around and dock it to your board in any orientation to collect ducks in wild new formations.
The expansion also comes with GLITTER DUCKS, a brand new breed of duck that behaves differently. Use them them to clog up your opponents' boards in the early game, but then get them back by the endgame because they're worth points!
The Abducktion Expansion expands the base game up to 6 players (includes 2 extra boards, and 40 extra ducks!), 6 research pods, GLITTER DUCKS!, 20 new challenging Formation Cards (worth higher points!), and games last 25-30 minutes instead of 15-20.